Hosted Livemaps FAQ

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Updated 2021-05-31

The map image of the Livemap does not match my server’s map

Newly created livemaps use the image from the FeudalTools Server Manager. If none is set, it will use the image of the default map. You can upload a new map background image at any time. Login on the Livemap using your admin password and check the ‘Appearance’ tab on the configuration page.

Server displays as “offline” instead of showing player count when running

The Livemap will display the server as ‘offline’ if it can’t connect to the Steam query port of the gameserver. That is your gameserver port + 2.

Possible causes are:
– You’re hosting from home and didn’t do the port forwarding correctly (gameserver port +2)
– Server is configured ‘private’. In this case, re-add the livemap whilst checking the ‘private server’ option in the dialog.
– Server IP or Port in FeudalTools is incorrect*
* Note that server hosters may migrate your server instance to a new ip or port without notice. Always double-check.